

We have successfully completed and implemented number of projects that are now in production and adding value to some of the prestigeous organizations and businesses as follow:

Project 1

Projects: Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited Official WEB SITE

Company:  Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited, 43 km Multan Rd, Manga, Lahore, Punjab


Purpose: Designed & Developed official Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited web site. It was designed on a very specific requirements given by the client (Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited) i.e… Zero-Scroll with Four (4) key features as main focus:

1. Excitement 2. Visibility
3. Accessibility 4. Convenience

Description: The Web Site is build using interactive tiles for animations & Excitement. Information available like PRICE on-hover for Visibility. Customer can access all the Information directly from Home Page for Accessibility. Interactive Search for Convenience.

Tools Used: Open GL Technologies tools / pluggins / widgets, HTML, CSS, PHP and MySql

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: Marach 2017

Project 2

Projects: Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited Official MOBILE APPS

Company:  Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited, 43 km Multan Rd, Manga, Lahore, Punjab

Link for Android & iOS (Mobile Apps):

Download Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited Mobile App for Android
Download Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited Mobile App for iOS

Purpose: Designed & Developed official Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited Mobile Apps for Android & iOS.

Description: This Mobile App is not only providing Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan customers with convienence to locate nearest dealers, schedule Test drive & Car Maintenance that is integrated to their SAP CRM for realtime interaction and information. Mobile App has the following features for customer convience and usablity:
1. Dashboard 2. Test Drive
3. My Cars 4. Nearest Dealer
5. Car Delivery 6. Request an Appointment
7. Maintenance 8. Brochures
9. Spare Parts 10. Opulent Club
11. About Us 12. News

Tools Used: Androind Studio, Xcode/Swift, Web Services, APIs/Json and SAP CRM Integration.

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: Marach 2017

Project 1

Projects: Work Of Art

Company:  Work Of Art, Markham, Ontario, Canada


Purpose: To develop a Web Site for displaying the food artistry and marketing the products for WORK OF ART with it's latest and responsive web design that not only has an attractive look & feel but is also viewable on any device [browers] which is automatically adjustable to any display size / screen. CMS (Content Management System) enabled for easy managebility and configuration.

Description: The Web Site is build using WordPress tools, pluggins, widgets and theme, making it attractive to the customers for easy viewing and selection. It's responsive screen (liquid design) gives users a cutting edge to access from any device [browsers] to automatically adjust and display information. Setting-up, configuring & optimizing the site, adding wordpress pluggins and widgets for animated slider, icons, graphics and SEO (Search Engine Optimizer). Also configured is CMS (Content Mangement System) for easy and comprehensive management & administration.

Tools Used: WordPress tools / pluggins / widgets, HTML, CSS, PHP and MySql

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: January 2014

Project 2

Projects: Admin Eserve

Company:  Mobilink, GSM Pakistan

Purpose: The purpose of this application is to facilitate company employees to self-serve
Administration related activities & requests with tracking, follow-ups and alerts.

Description: Admin E-Serve is a powerful and wholly web based solution providing detail recording and tracking of user Job Service Requests. It provides the foundation for an integrated, end-to-end approach to Administration Service Management practiced by Mobilink Administration Department. Based on the best practice, it automates request submission, monitoring, management and maintenance history.

Tools Used: ASP.NET,C#, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: June 2007

Project 3

Projects: IT Asset Management Solution

Company:  Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)

Purpose: The application was a comprehensive web based solution providing IT – Asset Management and Tracking facility.

Description: The application was a comprehensive web based solution providing IT – Asset Management and Tracking facility.

Tools Used: ASP.NET,C#, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: May 2008

Project 4

Projects: IT – Helpdesk Solution

Company: Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)

Purpose: The purpose of this application was to Provide IT – Helpdesk related services to handle Users Complaints/Issues regarding IT-Assets with proper tracking, follow-ups & alerts.

Description: The application was a comprehensive web based solution providing detailed recording and tracking of user Help Requests related to IT-Assets. It automates the ability to submit, monitor, manage and maintain history of each request.

Tools Used: ASP.NET,C#, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: August 2008

Project 5

Projects: HR Self Service Portal

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The purpose of this application is to facilitate employees to self-serve HR related activities and tasks with Approval Management process, tracking, follow-up & alerts.

Description: Task Manager Application is a web based solution providing user required functionality i.e. New/Initiate Task, See their Tasks List with the updated status also different users can take action against the tasks (Approve, Reject, and Approve All).

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: Dec 2012.

Project 6

Projects: SIM Activation & Phone Management

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The purpose of this application is to issue, change and deactivate numbers, phone set and services.

Description: Official Phone and SIM Management system allows user to request for variety of services like.
It is a workflow base application that allow user to approve, disapprove and send back the request.

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: April 2013.

Project 7

Projects: Payroll Input Management System

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The purpose of this application is to automate deductions, adjustments & calculations for employee’s payroll processing with Approvals Management process, tracking, follow-up & alerts.

Description: This application is developed for payroll input from stakeholders for both regular and outsourced staff with bulk uploading ability is desired to effectively manage different ad-hoc payments and deductions charged to employees.

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: Jan 2013.

Project 8

Projects: Transport Management System

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The purpose of this application involves creation of a suite for admin which will contain workflows for fuel card management, car management and fleet management.

Description: This application is to facilitate Mobilink Employees for subscription of Fuel card, Car Management and fleet management by providing a workflow management system for subscriptions, approvals and authorities.

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: May 2013.

Project 9

Projects: Employee Data SIM

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The purpose of this application is to to facilitate subscription of Data SIM to employees by providing a Workflow & Approval Management system for Data SIM subscribers.

Description: This application is to facilitate subscription of Data SIM to Mobilink employees by providing a workflow management system for Data SIM subscribers, approval authorities.

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: Feb 2013.

Project 10

Projects: Provident Fund Management System

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The purpose of this application is that, Employee will be able to initiate and process non-refundable & refundable loans, PF Statement, and PF Nominee Management.

Description: The application will facilitate all employees (PMCL/Outsourced) to initiate requests for PF withdrawal (nonrefundable), refundable loan and PF statement. It will also allow user to manage PF Nominees and view loan requests history.

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: June 2013.

Project 11

Projects: Cafe Management System

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The café management application is initiated to standardize cafe services and to streamline cafe deduction process in order to ensure accurate payroll deductions on cafe services.

Description: This application provides new café management system using which Mobilink Employees (PMCL and BCS) will record their availed café meals.

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: June 2013.

Project 12

Projects: Access Management System

Company: Mobilink GSM, Lahore

Purpose: The purpose of this application is for the attendance monitoring and reporting of all levels of Mobilink employees (regular and outsource).

Description: This application provides different Dashboards to Employees, Line Managers, Directors, VPs, President and HR to monitor Employees attendance. Through this workflow based system Line Manager can approve applied leaves of their Team members.

Tools Used: ASP.NET, C#, Ultimus BPM Suite, MS SharePoint, MS SQL

Status: Successfully implemented & in-production.

Date: August 2013.