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    TECH-ICON is your Business Solution
    Our focus is on developing, integrating and supporting software
    that enable an enterprise to achieve their business goals
    without compromising attention on their own primary business.
    The perfect place to get you started!
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    ● Workflow and Collaboration
    ● Enterprise applications
    ● Customized Web Apps and Portals
    ● Document Management System
    ● IT Software Solutions Development


Our Vision

To deliver turnkey IT solutions to enhance productivity and profitability through enabling efficient management, business processes automation and application mobility for business on the go!

Tech-Icon, LLC

is a USA based Software Solutions Company with a mission to provide turnkey IT (Information Technology) solutions to business corporates in all regions. We employ highly qualified software and solution development engineers; However, Tech-Icon LLC is registered company, we can provide our clients with the development framework that can facilitate and meet their business requirements accordingly.

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Technologies / Expertise and Capabilities

Software Development Area

We have successfully completed and implemented number of projects in this area which are also listed under Projects that are now in production and adding value to the businesses!

Business Process Automation & Approval Management Area

We specialize in this area as we have successfully completed and implemented number of projects in this area which are also listed under Projects that are now in production and adding value to the businesses!

Document Management Area

We have the skills, expertise, resources and capabilities to develop and implemented projects in this area that can add value to the businesses!

Solutions Implementation / Development & Support Area

We have the skills, expertise, resources and capabilities to develop and implemented projects in this area that can add value to the businesses!

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All projects are prudently studied and carefully evaluated following management approvals before going through procurement process. Once all approvals and preliminary procedures are completed the project(s) are then move into the comprehensive development life-cycle to be successfully deployed and supported.

Hence, we have completed and implemented number of projects that are now in production and adding value to some of the prestigeous organizations and businesses!

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Our Methodology

In developing our project execution model, we at Tech-Icon adhere to the international standards like CMMI-SW, Rational Unified Process and ISO 9001:2000 to make the project flow easy and transparent for the client. Every project has its 5 stages, which are:

Software Solution Design & Development
Solution Integration
Quality Assurance & Testing


Office: Tech-Icon, LLC
3-Commodore Drive, CA, 94608
Email: info@tech-icon.com